[EdLUG] April 2019 | List settings (un-hide emails), and Venue (again)

Edinburgh Linux Users Group edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk
Wed Mar 6 13:55:44 UTC 2019


Thanks to all who attended last night, it was quite the fun event ! As
expected, there were photos of the photobooth and of the EdLUG crowd, and
quite fun. We'll have to figure out where to put these ; for my part I am
considering just chucking the handful of snaps I took onto Instagram and
tagging #linux :-p

There were some noise issues with the neighbouring dominoes club but
nothing we couldn't handle with better equipment... except.... (*suspense*)

In this mail:

* list migration/settings decision
* venue status
* April pre-announcement


*Mailing list*

I've been digging around how the mailing list works and found that we
actually are not self-hosting it, but in fact it is being run by Lug.org.uk
themselves directly.

As a result, the cost of changing mailing list system and upsetting the
user registration is no longer offset by the benefit of "ceasing to
self-host." This also means that our tweaking is pretty much limited to
configuring Mailman variables through its web interface.

>> I'd like at this point to propose that we turn off the address hiding so
that senders' addresses are in the clear once more.

I can add some rudimentary word filtering to try and catch issues and avoid
the situation that led us to hiding addresses in the first place.

>> I'd like to do this change this week-end, unless I receive any
objections on this thread.

I did try to see if I could add some sort of semi-obfuscation to Mailman
myself, but there's no guarantee that it would get through to Lug.org.uk's
deployment.... and also Mailman is much more of a beast than I had thought
it would be - I'm still partway through implementing it...!



The Foxy Fiddler proved to be potentially satisfactory as a venue....
except that it's soon no longer going to be a bar anymore! On the 18th of
March they are closing for refurbishing, to re-open as a restaurant. As you
can guess, this means we won't be able to fit in as a rag-tag bunch of
people so easily...

As such, we'll have to fall back to the second choice -
. >> the Royal Dick Bar at the back of Summerhall << .

There are advantages to this in a way - it remains wheel-chair accessible,
I know for sure their kitchen stays open tile well past 7pm (Fiddler closed
kitchen early, unexpectedly!), and Summerhall is a good name to associate
with in terms of independent and creative activities.

Also the hacklab is right next door to the bar, in the courtyard, and we
can go drop in on them any time, since their open night is Tuesdays ;-)

If this does not work out for any reason, we're back to searching.


*April 2019 meetup*

I won't be able to make it to the April meetup, so I've nudged Kris and
Shehraz to take the helm on that one ;-)

There is no talk scheduled for April, but if you'd like to offer one,
please let them ---^ know


There we are. Still much to do in patching up and dusting down.

See you all in May -- when I intend to do a talk on the new website setup -
Gitlab or Github !

And as a reminder, the poll closes on Sunday.

-- Tai

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