[EdLUG] Meeting Roundup
Edinburgh Linux Users Group
edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk
Tue Nov 27 21:08:22 UTC 2018
No - I did mean Wednesday 28th at 7pm ; as said in my previous mail from
last Thursday
Tai Kedzierski
Linux Operations and Deployments Engineer
RHCSA # 170-060-834
I use LibreOffice <https://www.libreoffice.org/> , a free,
Freedom-respecting replacement for MS Office
*Open Source Free Software is a matter of liberty, not price.*
On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 at 20:46, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
> Tai
> You mean tomorrow +1, Nov 29th ?
> Andrew Smith B.Sc(Hons), MBA
> 73 Hope Street
> Inverkeithing
> KY11 1LN
> T:01383-411351
> M: 0772-456-3636
> E: asmith9983 at gmail.com
> On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 at 20:32, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>> Hello
>> I didn't get any response via the list ; I'm Bcc'ing Jan directly
>> I'm assuming we're on for tomorrow evening 7pm at Southsider unless I am
>> told otherwise
>> ===
>> Tai Kedzierski
>> Linux Operations and Deployments Engineer
>> RHCSA # 170-060-834
>> <https://www.redhat.com/rhtapps/services/verify?certId=170-060-834>
>> I use LibreOffice <https://www.libreoffice.org/> , a free,
>> Freedom-respecting replacement for MS Office
>> *Open Source Free Software is a matter of liberty, not price.*
>> https://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software
>> On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 00:14, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>> Sorry I mis-read that as Monday to Wednesday.
>>> How about sticking to the Southsider then on Wednesday. Hopefully no
>>> events that night.
>>> The earliest I could do is 7pm as I drive back from work in Fife and
>>> would want to change transport i Edinburgh rather than drive/park around
>>> that area...
>>> ===
>>> Tai Kedzierski
>>> Linux Operations and Deployments Engineer
>>> RHCSA # 170-060-834
>>> <https://www.redhat.com/rhtapps/services/verify?certId=170-060-834>
>>> I use LibreOffice <https://www.libreoffice.org/> , a free,
>>> Freedom-respecting replacement for MS Office
>>> *Open Source Free Software is a matter of liberty, not price.*
>>> https://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software
>>> On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 at 22:40, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>>> I’m not available on the 27th (I’m not available on Tuesdays) 28th
>>>> will be okay but will have to be earlier as I have something from 8:30pm.
>>>> Can you find a venue that doesn’t have too many steps as my joints are
>>>> playing up – it’s the joint troubles that have me going back and forth to
>>>> the hospital atm.
>>>> Jan
>>>> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
>>>> Windows 10
>>>> *From: *Edinburgh Linux Users Group <edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk>
>>>> *Sent: *21 November 2018 22:18
>>>> *To: *Edinburgh Linux Users Group <edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk>
>>>> *Subject: *Re: [EdLUG] Meeting Roundup
>>>> Hi Jan
>>>> Thanks - can I suggest either Tuesday 27th or Wednesday 28th of
>>>> November, 7:30pm at Spoon, Nicolson Street ?
>>>> Shehraz, you said you'd want to be present, would either of these dates
>>>> work for you?
>>>> ===
>>>> Tai Kedzierski
>>>> Linux Operations and Deployments Engineer
>>>> RHCSA # 170-060-834
>>>> <https://www.redhat.com/rhtapps/services/verify?certId=170-060-834>
>>>> I use LibreOffice <https://www.libreoffice.org/> , a free,
>>>> Freedom-respecting replacement for MS Office
>>>> *Open Source Free Software is a matter of liberty, not price.*
>>>> https://www.fsf.org/about/what-is-free-software
>>>> On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 at 19:10, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>>>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>>> I can be pretty much available any Monday or Wednesday evening apart
>>>> from 26th November when I’ve already got a commitment in Glasgow. I
>>>> can also manage most Saturday afternoons (from 2pm onwards). There are a
>>>> few other evenings when I’m available.
>>>> Jan
>>>> Sent from Mail <https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986> for
>>>> Windows 10
>>>> *From: *Edinburgh Linux Users Group <edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk>
>>>> *Sent: *19 November 2018 19:39
>>>> *To: *Edinburgh Linux Users Group <edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk>
>>>> *Subject: *Re: [EdLUG] Meeting Roundup
>>>> Ok extra meeting it is.
>>>> Could you suggest a couple different dates please?
>>>> // Sent from a mobile device. Rogue typos may lurk.
>>>> On Mon, 19 Nov 2018, 18:39 Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>>>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk wrote:
>>>> I won't be around at the December meeting so it will have to be a
>>>> separate meeting. As telegram is encrypted end to end I could have used
>>>> that transfer passwords but if you don't use it no worries well have to set
>>>> up a meet up.
>>>> J
>>>> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
>>>> -------- Original message --------
>>>> From: Edinburgh Linux Users Group <edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk>
>>>> Date: 19/11/2018 11:14 am (GMT+00:00)
>>>> To: Edinburgh Linux Users Group <edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk>
>>>> Subject: Re: [EdLUG] Meeting Roundup
>>>> Thanks Jan for the overview. I agree it is probably high time to get
>>>> you off this hook. Rest assured your efforts have very much been valued !
>>>> Are you happy to attend/wait for the December meetup, or would you like
>>>> to set up a separate meeting ?
>>>> I don't have telegram, and not really wanting to add yet another
>>>> messaging system to a growing list of them...
>>>> I've had preference in the past for off-listing for site control stuff,
>>>> but maybe that's in part where I've been going wrong? Since I believe this
>>>> is a call to receive handover, can we keep the meeting plans open for the
>>>> time being?
>>>> @all So far, the mailing poll suggests moving to a hosted service ; if
>>>> that trend remains, it is what we'll discuss moving towards come meeting
>>>> time.
>>>> https://doodle.com/poll/x34t7kyxbst93sw2
>>>> On Mon, 19 Nov 2018 at 10:05, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>>>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the info, I think my message was caught in the mod queue so
>>>> I've since voted on the previous link etc but it sounds like others are in
>>>> the same frame of mind.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Andy
>>>> > On 19 November 2018 at 01:04 Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>>>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > I can answer most of this. Whilst I was more active with the group I
>>>> spent 2 years tracking down where the old website was hosted. As the
>>>> domain renewals approached there was a meeting were we agreed that we would
>>>> transfer the hosting to Gladserv. Paul and I spend a couple of weeks
>>>> getting a basic site up and running and then asked for volunteers to help.
>>>> A few people asked for logins and these were given – Tai should still have
>>>> a login – beyond a few edits I don’t think any of the people did much
>>>> (apart from Mark C, but I’ll come to him later). As we were doing the
>>>> transfer we noticed that the mail archive on the old site wasn’t updating.
>>>> This was because the University had transferred their mailing list system
>>>> from majordomo to sympa and the new list archives were only accessible to
>>>> people with a University login.
>>>> >
>>>> > There was a discussion about this at a meeting and decision was made
>>>> to transfer the list to the lug.org.uk mailman servers. Once the new
>>>> list was created I liaised with Ian who had been looked after the list
>>>> whilst he worked at the University to get a list of the subscriber emails.
>>>> I emailed the list to let everyone know that I was about to transfer
>>>> addresses and got the list transferred over a weekend. Once that was done
>>>> I asked for volunteers to take over running the list and a couple of people
>>>> get in touch and were given the login details. However, over the next six
>>>> months or so I didn’t notice them doing anything as I was the one who had
>>>> to keep going in an passing messages that were caught for moderation.
>>>> >
>>>> > At this point we looked at how we were going to integrate the mailman
>>>> archive. And I think it was about here that Mark C got involved. Mark
>>>> spent a lot of time looking a the script on the old server to see how the
>>>> archive was created. He also went through the sympa archive and manually
>>>> transferred each individual message into the same html format as the
>>>> existing archive. But this is where we hit another problem. Mailman
>>>> doesn’t seem to munge email addresses properly and we started to get
>>>> replies where email addresses were spoofed, so we flipped the settings but
>>>> this means that we can’t reply to individuals from the list unless they
>>>> give their email.
>>>> >
>>>> > Whilst this was all going on, behind the scenes Paul’s mother was
>>>> seriously ill, so he was stepping back his involvement, and when she died
>>>> we both had to take a break. On the return from dealing with the family I
>>>> wanted to return to just my original role of meeting organiser, however
>>>> within a couple of weeks it was clear that everything was being passed to
>>>> me to deal with so I stepped away from Edlug almost completely – I was sick
>>>> of being used and at the same time having people bitching about things not
>>>> being done this way or that.
>>>> >
>>>> > The domains are managed through Paul’s Hexonet account. We had a whip
>>>> around in the pub to get the money for this and from memory I think we
>>>> renewed for 10 years, so there is a while until that needs looking at. The
>>>> hosting is donated to us from Gladserv and whilst it is currently
>>>> piggy-backing on their admin servers, we now have the option of setting up
>>>> a VM. Paul was looking after the maintenance of the CMS but his work and
>>>> other commitments have taken over and he doesn’t have time anymore. Again
>>>> we asked for someone to take this over, got a volunteer but nothing seems
>>>> to have been done.
>>>> >
>>>> > The drupal site is currently quite basic, but the template we chose
>>>> has inbuilt modules to support members blogs, a forum, and a number of
>>>> other things that weren’t activated. As none of the people who volunteered
>>>> to help seem to be actually doing anything, I don’t know that any
>>>> maintenance has been done for a while.
>>>> >
>>>> > I’m hoping that with this current thread I can finally pass this off.
>>>> >
>>>> > (btw I haven’t named names so as not to publicly shame the people who
>>>> should have been following up on their promised to help).
>>>> >
>>>> > Jan
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>>>> >
>>>> > From: Edinburgh Linux Users Group
>>>> > Sent: 18 November 2018 22:32
>>>> > To: edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>>> > Subject: Re: [EdLUG] Meeting Roundup
>>>> >
>>>> > Maybe we can start a new thread specific to the website and take the
>>>> burden off any members, especially if they’re pushed for time. I’m willing
>>>> to help.
>>>> >
>>>> > It’s maybe worthwhile also stating what we actually want from the
>>>> site, it may be possible to bin it off and forward to social media
>>>> account(s) with the appropriate info.
>>>> >
>>>> > I’m not suggesting this is the solution, merely maybe we can all
>>>> throw ideas in a hat once the requirements are collated. I don’t know who’s
>>>> stuck with what at the moment.
>>>> >
>>>> > Hosting: Who’s paying for this and who administers it?
>>>> > DNS: Who’s paying for this and who administers it?
>>>> >
>>>> > Drupal CMS: who’s updating it? Do we have separate editors updating
>>>> the blog? Do we even want a blog?
>>>> >
>>>> > Is there anything the site’s used for beyond a calendar and a link to
>>>> the mailing list signup (
>>>> https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/edlug)?
>>>> >
>>>> > Cheers,
>>>> >
>>>> > Andy
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On 14 Nov 2018, at 15:37, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>>>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > And this is what I’ve been facing from the group. Nobody what’s to
>>>> take responsibility.
>>>> >
>>>> > Jan
>>>> >
>>>> > Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>>>> >
>>>> > From: Edinburgh Linux Users Group
>>>> > Sent: 14 November 2018 15:32
>>>> > To: edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>>> > Subject: Re: [EdLUG] Meeting Roundup
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi Jan,
>>>> >
>>>> > That sounds like a bit more responsibility than I was going for - I'm
>>>> totally new here, so I don't really want to be running the website at this
>>>> point. I was just hoping someone could make me a Drupal username so that I
>>>> can update the front page.
>>>> >
>>>> > Best wishes,
>>>> > Thomas
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Wed, Nov 14, 2018, at 3:27 PM, Edinburgh Linux Users Group wrote:
>>>> > Hi Thomas
>>>> >
>>>> > I’m happy to meet up with you to pass all the details on to you
>>>> (obviously I’m not going to post passwords in an unsecured forum). Paul
>>>> was doing the tech side on the server so he’ll probably need to be there to
>>>> let you know what he’s done on that side.
>>>> >
>>>> > Regards
>>>> >
>>>> > Jan
>>>> >
>>>> > Sent from Mail for Windows 10
>>>> >
>>>> > From: Edinburgh Linux Users Group
>>>> > Sent: 14 November 2018 09:57
>>>> > To: edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>>> > Subject: Re: [EdLUG] Meeting Roundup
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi Jan,
>>>> >
>>>> > There was some talk at the meeting about pointing the URL to a
>>>> discord forum, but I'm not sure if it was a final decision or when that
>>>> would be ready.
>>>> >
>>>> > In the meantime, if it's OK with everyone, I'd be happy to have a
>>>> login to the current site, and I can try to update the front page with
>>>> details of upcoming meetings.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> > Thomas
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > On Wed, Nov 7, 2018, at 1:11 PM, Edinburgh Linux Users Group wrote:
>>>> > Who is taking over the website?
>>>> >
>>>> > No one has ever been in touch with me about taking over anything to
>>>> do with the domain, etc.
>>>> >
>>>> > I note there was discussion about making the site more interactive
>>>> however there have been no requests for member logins and the drupal
>>>> template we picked had the option for drupal.
>>>> >
>>>> > We still have hosting so if there is someone who is taking it over
>>>> please get in touch (rathgild at gmail dot com) so I can pass on the
>>>> details.
>>>> >
>>>> > Jan
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
>>>> >
>>>> > -------- Original message --------
>>>> > From: Edinburgh Linux Users Group <edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk>
>>>> > Date: 07/11/2018 12:37 pm (GMT+00:00)
>>>> > To: edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>>> > Subject: [EdLUG] Meeting Roundup
>>>> >
>>>> > Hi EdLUG
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks to everyone who attended the additional meetup yesterday.
>>>> Though it was at a different venue the turnout was good and we had an
>>>> informative discussion.
>>>> >
>>>> > Though December is traditionally when the Christmas meal is held, it
>>>> was decided that we will meetup for drinks instead. Thus, the next EdLUG
>>>> meetup will take place on Thursday 6th December at 7.30pm. However, the
>>>> venue will change to the Alexander Graham Bell for this meetup. Future
>>>> meetup venues will be confirmed in due course.
>>>> >
>>>> > In terms of plans for 2019, EdLUG will continue to meet on a monthly
>>>> basis. However, we felt that a transition period may be needed as we
>>>> continue to search for a new venue. As such, one possibility is to
>>>> alternate the nature of the meetups. I am looking into perhaps securing a
>>>> room at the Edinburgh University central campus. However, this room may
>>>> only be available every two months. As such we could alternate EdLUG
>>>> meetups by having a talk one month and an informal meetup the following
>>>> month, etc.
>>>> >
>>>> > Other topics discussed included widening the scope of EdLUG to
>>>> include all open source software and technology. This would allow us to use
>>>> Linux as the basis for discussion, but not be limited to solely to this
>>>> topic. Should this occur, a name change for the meetup would need to be
>>>> considered. Also, changing the format of the website to simplify its
>>>> operation was mentioned. Kris suggested using Discord which would allow for
>>>> more people to participate online.
>>>> >
>>>> > Feedback is welcome from everyone, please feel free to reply to this
>>>> message with any thoughts or suggestions.
>>>> >
>>>> > Hopefully see you all in December :)
>>>> >
>>>> > Best Wishes
>>>> >
>>>> > Shehraz
>>>> > --
>>>> > EdLUG mailing list
>>>> > EdLUG at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>>> > https://lists.edlug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/edlug
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
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>>>> > EdLUG mailing list
>>>> > EdLUG at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>>> > https://lists.edlug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/edlug
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
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>>>> > EdLUG mailing list
>>>> > EdLUG at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>>> > https://lists.edlug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/edlug
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> >
>>>> > ---
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>>>> > EdLUG mailing list
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>>>> EdLUG mailing list
>>>> EdLUG at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>>> https://lists.edlug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/edlug
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>>>> EdLUG mailing list
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>>>> EdLUG mailing list
>>>> *EdLUG at lists.edlug.org.uk*
>>>> *https://lists.edlug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/edlug*
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>>>> EdLUG mailing list
>>>> EdLUG at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>>> https://lists.edlug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/edlug
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>>> EdLUG mailing list
>>> EdLUG at lists.edlug.org.uk
>>> https://lists.edlug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/edlug
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>> EdLUG mailing list
>> EdLUG at lists.edlug.org.uk
>> https://lists.edlug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/edlug
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> EdLUG mailing list
> EdLUG at lists.edlug.org.uk
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