[EdLUG] Nagios
Edinburgh Linux Users Group
edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk
Thu Mar 24 11:02:09 UTC 2016
Hi All,
(Don't think I've actually contributed before but been listening for awhile)
I have used Nagios and icinga at various levels over the last couple of
years. I REALLY like check_mk or OMD. check_mk especially I think is a lot
better then nagios nrpe plugins.
On 24 March 2016 at 06:02, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
> Next meet is 7th April. I'll hopefully have announcement by end of week.
> Jan
> Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone
> ---- Edinburgh Linux Users Group wrote ----
> Hi Jan,
> Thanks for chipping in, I'd never heard of Nagios until today but seems
> there's definitely some experience of it in the group.
> I think what I'll be setting up is basic, but if between me, Tai and the
> others who offered help we reach our depth then we'll perhaps have to call
> on Arkadiusz (sounds very mysterious!)
> When is your next meetup btw?
> Cheers
> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 6:53 PM, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>> Hi there.
>> Arkadiusz was our resident Nagios expert, giving a fairly comprehensive
>> overview at a meeting and subsequently at a couple of other lugs. I know
>> he left Edinburgh but I'm not sure if he's still on the list. If so he'd
>> certainly be the best to help. Or is someone is still in touch with him
>> they could perhaps pass on the request for info.
>> Regards
>> Jan
>> Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone
>> ---- Edinburgh Linux Users Group wrote ----
>> Hi guys,
>> Thanks for the responses. I need to wait for my dude to get back to me
>> with more flesh and detail, and will see where it goes from there, but
>> looks like I won't be stuck!
>> Cheers.
>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 5:40 PM, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>> Hi Andy
>>> I'm currently adding Nagios as an upskill to my freelance bow; I have
>>> some introductory notes and material.
>>> I can do you a little demo if you want and talk you through it. It also
>>> turns out that I am indeed a freelancer, so we can explore that dimension
>>> too where appropriate.
>>> You can reach me on my gmail address, handle is dch.tai
>>> Cheers
>>> Tai
>>> ===
>>> Tai Kedzierski
>>> Affordable Office IT for Freelance and Startup Businesses
>>> http://helpuse.com/
>>> I use www.libreoffice.org
>>> *Open Source Free Software is a matter of liberty, not price.*
>>> http://bit.ly/foss-why-care
>>> On 23 March 2016 at 17:28, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>>> Hi, I've just been asked to help set up a monitoring project using
>>>> Nagios and know nothing about it, so figured I'd ask on here if anyone had
>>>> any experience with it.
>>>> The details are a bit hazy at the moment, and I don't know what size it
>>>> will be.
>>>> If it's relatively small I'd love to find someone who's brains I can
>>>> pick for an hour or two in a pub, or if there's freelancers, potentially
>>>> hand it over to...
>>>> Andy.
>>>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 4:56 PM, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>>>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>>>> On 23 Mar 2016 4:53 pm, "Edinburgh Linux Users Group" <
>>>>> edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Hi, does anyone here have any experience with Nagios at all?
>>>>> What kind of problems after you having? I'm no expert by any means,
>>>>> but regularly have to tweak config files at work. I really should rebuild
>>>>> them all, one day...
>>>>> -Colin
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Regards,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Andrew.
>>>>> >
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