[EdLUG] Text messages
Edinburgh Linux Users Group
edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk
Mon Jun 13 21:41:31 UTC 2016
With regards to data plans, 3 offers a sim only unlimited data plan for £17/month. Despite once managing 22GB of data in one month they didn't seem to throttle it at all.
Not so good for roaming in Canada, I'm restricted to WiFi at the moment.
On 13 Jun 2016 07:53, at 07:53, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>As usual, all great answers. Trouble is my mobile is a deprived low IQ
>LG-E400 which won't run any more apps, and one of the people I was
>to uses a basic £20 Nokia mobile with no smarts on EE PAYG. One day
>all have for a monthly fee a mobile number with unlimited any-time
>minutes, texts and data, though "always on" GiffGaff data isn't quite
>unlimited data when I found Android directions didn't work! Life seems
>complicated sometimes!
>On 13 June 2016 at 10:37, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
>edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:
>> On 06/13/16 10:17, Edinburgh Linux Users Group wrote:
>> > I had a situation Friday evening where my handset said messages
>> being
>> > sent,GiffGaff(GG), but were not being delivered!
>> > Eventually from the GG status page I found that a mast in the
>> Inverkeithing
>> > are where I live was out of action. The messages were eventually
>> delivered
>> > about 14 hours later! I was receiving texts OK, and voice both
>ways was
>> working
>> >
>> > Can anyone point me to a URL where I can read about how the mobile
>> network
>> > works, or is supposed to work?
>> >
>> > Its the way my handset said Sent but they weren't delivered that
>> perturbs
>> > me. That just isn't a good system protocol.
>> GSM is quite complex, 3G mind-numbingly so. Don't hurt your brain by
>> trying
>> to understand it. :-D
>> SMS stands for "short message service" and is a connectionless
>protocol (a
>> bit
>> like UDP) - send and hope. It was originally intended for
>> diagnostic use but was discovered by geeks and found to be what just
>> wanted.
>> Unfortunately being connectionless there is no end to end reliability
>> although
>> most networks buffer messages to handle when receiver is not
>> So you got what's expected really.
>> Use a connection oriented messaging service such as Google Hangouts
>> Whatsapp or Telegraph etc etc if you want more reliability.
>> Dick
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