[EdLUG] D-Bus talk - 1st June (this Tuesday)
Tai Kedzierski
dch.tai at gmail.com
Sun May 30 19:35:44 UTC 2021
Thanks for arrang8ng this Thomas!
Yes the same server will remain up and available!
// Sent from a mobile device. Typos and brevity may transpire.
On Sat, 29 May 2021, 10:37 Thomas Kluyver, <thomas at kluyver.me.uk> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sorry for the short notice. No-one else has offered a talk for the June
> meeting, so I'll do a talk about D-Bus.
> D-Bus is a mechanism for Linux desktop applications to communicate with
> each other, and with parts of the system like desktop notifications and
> preventing the screensaver from cutting in. I'll illustrate some of the
> many things D-Bus is used for, give a high-level overview of how it works,
> and demonstrate some tools you can use to explore and inspect D-Bus
> interactions on your own system.
> That will be this Tuesday (1st of June). As usual, we'll start the meeting
> at 7pm, and start the talk itself at 7.15. I believe Tai is still happy to
> host the Big Blue Button server we've used for previous meetings, so go to
> https://links.taikedz.net/?id=bbb-edlug at that time. (Tai, please let me
> know if you'd prefer not to run this server.)
> Panda has promised us another security related talk for the July meeting.
> We've traditionally skipped meeting in August because of the festivals,
> which will hopefully be back in some form this year. There's nothing in the
> calendar for September or beyond - any suggestions of topics you could talk
> about, or you'd like to hear about from someone else, are very welcome.
> See you on Tuesday,
> Thomas
> --
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