[EdLUG] Help 10

Jeremy Nicoll jn.ml.elx.813 at letterboxes.org
Thu May 14 22:59:07 UTC 2020

On Thu, 14 May 2020, at 21:35, Swithun Crowe wrote:
> Hello
> AR> When I use an INPUT form to pass variables to a PHP file, echo prints
> AR> results on a new screen.  How do I get the results printed on the
> AR> calling page ?
> For this you'll need Javascript. jQuery is quite a user friendly
> framework.
> To have the form submit data to the server without refreshing the whole
> page, you need to use AJAX, which you can also do with jQuery.

I think AJAX would be .... ambitious for the OP.   I don't think he 
understands what's going on, now.

The HTML form (executing in the user's browser) is NOT "passing variables
to a PHP file".  The user's browser is making a separate (in essence) page
fetch, from the webserver, asking it to execute the php script on the server
and is as part of that, including the 'passed' variables' values on the fetch
request.   The response from that is another web page generated by the 
php script (on the server) which is sent back to the user for their browser 
to display.

/Maybe/ if the generated html page returned by that php script also 
contained a copy of the form, with the results displayed somewhere on 
the page one could /appear/ to have displayed results on the original 
page that contained the form... but it is not the same page.

The php code on the server is not being called (in the sense that most 
programming languages can call an external function) by any of the code
(not that there is any) in the original html page.  It's the browser that makes
the second fetch request, when processing the submit action on the form.

As Swithin says, if the OP want's (his) program logic to affect the way any of 
his html pages process things, within the user's browser, that needs to be 
done in JavaScript (or any other supported script language).  That code
though can't 'call' php stuff on the server either.

It might help if the OP would describe what he thinks he wants the user 
to do and see on these pages.

Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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