[EdLUG] Help 5

Swithun Crowe swithun at swithun.servebeer.com
Wed May 6 21:42:26 UTC 2020


I've corrected the first bit of code.



function getmusic()
// Open a directory, and read its contents
$musicdir = array(); // declare and initialise an array like this
$dir = "Music/";

if (is_dir($dir)){
  if ($dh = opendir($dir)){
    while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){
      echo $file . "<br>";
      array_push($musicdir, $file); // array_push alters the array in place
  return $musicdir; // missing $ and typo


You can't (directly) call PHP functions from inside Javascript, or execute
PHP in the browser.

_HTML file_


var array musicdir() = getmusic();

 while (($file = readdir($musicdir)) !== false){
      echo $file . "<br>";


In the PHP code, your function prints out the contents of the directory,
so maybe it doesn't need to return an array as well. But you can't mix PHP
and Javascript.


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