[EdLUG] June talk - today!

Tai Kedzierski dch.tai at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 15:33:41 UTC 2020

Hello everyone

In all this lockdown I completely failed to remember to tell everybody
about this evening's talk and share the link - my apologies!

We will be using my BigBlueButton server:

This evening's talk is Gordon Gray, on Rootkits

Hop to see you all later!


This month Gordon will be giving us a talk about rootkits:

"A rootkit is a set of tools used by hackers to enable (root) access to a
server while hiding their malicious activity.

"Gordon will explain how different types of Linux rootkit might work along
with some technical background context about how Linux works at a lower


19:00 - Meet online, announcements; https://links.taikedz.net/?id=bbb-edlug
19:15 - start talk
20:00 - closing notes, Q&A roundtable

The Q&A session allows online attendees to ask questions about Linux, Open
Source, recommendations, etc; and any member can answer or chip in.

Tai Kedzierski
Linux Operations and Deployments Engineer

I use LibreOffice <https://www.libreoffice.org/> , a free,
Freedom-respecting replacement for MS Office

*Open Source Free Software is a matter of liberty, not price.*
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