[EdLUG] OSX sorry to be off topic

Edinburgh Linux Users Group edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk
Mon Jan 29 18:10:51 UTC 2018

I only stopped using my old Lenovo laptop last year which I had previously
upgraded to a core 2 duo T7200, which I think is the slightly slower
version of the T7400 that I suspect is fitted to the system in hand. I can
confirm that JavaScript or Java heavy sites and applications were pretty
slow - to the point that autocompletion in the openHAB designer was

I'd suggest a Linux live disk and get them to try chrome/chromium for speed
before you spend much time on it. A lighter desktop environment would be
advisable, xubuntu of similar. Debian might need some proprietary firmware
for the WiFi, but otherwise would be fine. I can't speak much of the Mac
experience, but I might have a disc in work if you're stuck and can't find
a disc image online that's compatible with the licensing terms of said os.


On 29 Jan 2018 16:49, "Edinburgh Linux Users Group" <
edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:

A few random thoughts on your predicament:

The laptop might be a little younger than you think: the Core 2 Duo
processor line didn't appear until 2006.

I doubt running the modern version of OSX and Safari on 2006 era laptop
hardware is going to be a satisfactory experience for anyone, especially if
it's no good with what's already on it... "upgrading" to a more modern
version of any browser just seems to bring more bloat and bling and an
insatiable desire for more RAM... not get you something leaner and meaner
and more efficient, if that's what you were hoping for. Ah, or do you mean
it "baulks at many websites" because of HTML/javascript standards
compliance issues rather than performance?

Where do you get the idea the HW is "capable of accepting later OS
versions" from? Stories like this
claim Sierra has cut off support for macs before 2009.
I'm assuming the objective is to end up on Sierra anyway, or is it just to
get to 10.6 Snow Leopard and stick with that? But that was last updated 6
years ago I think; no patches for Meltdown/Spectre if you stop the "upgrade
path" there.

Is there still that much Flash out there these days? I stopped installing
the plugin a while ago (too many security scares) and can't say I've found
any hint of a reason to reinstall it since. Or are you conflating
"Flash-heavy" and "Javascript-heavy"?

I have big-box desktops with what were high-end processors in 2007 &
2008... and they struggle to run javascript-heavy content-rich websites in
any "reasonably usable" fashion. They're fine with simple oldschool sites
like most blogs etc, but forget about Facebook.

Suspect you either need to think about upgrading HW (whether to expensive
Apple branded kit, or some "hackintosh") if you want to stick with the OS &
Safari, or think about installing some flavour of Linux if you want the HW
to continue to be useful and secure... although even then running
Firefox/Chromium/Opera/Epiphany is unlikely to improve the web browsing
performance on such old HW... but it might at least get you something which
conforms with what the websites' idea of HTML & JS standards is).

Good luck!

On Mon, 2018-01-29 at 15:06 +0000, Edinburgh Linux Users Group wrote:

My son just made a "HackinToy"  running Sierra on his AMD Ryzen 7, using a
patched USB stick and a spare SSD, so after two days of patches etc it
works and says its an "Unknown" Mac.

So its out there, and you can get it, keep looking ...


On 29 January 2018 at 13:31, Edinburgh Linux Users Group <
edlug at lists.edlug.org.uk> wrote:

Hello all, and Happy New Year,

I have been asked for help with an iMac of about 2005 vintage. It runs OSX
version 10.5.8; hardware: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GB Ram, so capable of accepting
later OS versions. The user's problem is that the most up to date Safari
for that OS version now baulks at many websites. Flash Player and any
reasonable modern browser fails to run or fails to cope with Flash-heavy

The installed OSX version will not communicate with Apple's Appstore (or
whatever the damned thing is called. Although Apple no longer charge for OS
upgrades, the only way to do so is by buying a DVD for £20 or more. Does
anyone have access to a legal OSX 10.6 DVD which can start this machine on
the upgrade path.

Thanks in advance.


PS I dislike using the word "upgrade" in this context. It is marketing
nonsense and not technically meaningful.

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